Archivio per mese: Aprile, 2018

Adding synergies and creating work spaces as a networking network

The LIFE FOREST CO2 partners continue to work to create common work spaces and establish synergies to develop the project together, such as the networking network. Read the article to learn more. Continua a leggere

Adding synergies and creating work spaces as a networking network

The LIFE FOREST CO2 partners continue to work to create common work spaces and establish synergies to develop the project together, such as the networking network. Read the article to learn more. Continua a leggere

Sumando sinercias y creando espacios de trabajo, como la red de networking

los socios del proyecto LIFE FOREST CO2 continúan trabajando para crear espacios comunes de trabajo y establecer inrcias para desarrollar proyectos de forma conjunta, como la la red de networking. Lea el artículo para saber mas. Continua a leggere

Sumant sinèrgies i creant espais de treball com a xarxa de networking

Els socis del projecte LIFE FOREST CO2 continuen treballant per crear espais de treball comuns i establir sinèrcies per desenvolupar projecte conjuntament com la xarxa de networking. Llegeix l’article per saber-ne més. Continua a leggere

First joint work session LIFE CLIMARK – LIFE FOREST CO2

On April 19th, Soria held the first joint work and networking session between the partners of the LIFE CLIMARK project and the LIFE FOREST CO2 project partners. Continua a leggere

First joint work session LIFE CLIMARK – LIFE FOREST CO2

On April 19th, Soria held the first joint work and networking session between the partners of the LIFE CLIMARK project and the LIFE FOREST CO2 project partners. Continua a leggere

Primera sesión de trabajo conjunto LIFE CLIMARK – LIFE FOREST CO2

El pasado 19 de abril tuvo lugar en Soria la primera sesión de trabajo conjunto y networking entre los socios del proyecto LIFE CLIMARK y los socios del proyecto LIFE FOREST CO2. Continua a leggere

Primera sessió de treball conjunt LIFE CLIMARK – LIFE FOREST CO2

El passat dia 19 d’abril va tenir lloc a Sòria la primera sessió de treball conjunt i networking entre els socis del projecte LIFE CLIMARK i els socis del projecte LIFE FOREST CO2. Continua a leggere

Workshop “Profitability in the management of Mediterranean forest of private ownership

On March 8, the Forest Ownership Centre participated in the conference “Profitability in the management of Mediterranean forest of private ownership”, within the framework of the DARP PATT.

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Workshop “Profitability in the management of Mediterranean forest of private ownership

On March 8, the Forest Ownership Centre participated in the conference “Profitability in the management of Mediterranean forest of private ownership”, within the framework of the DARP PATT.

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