The Forest Ownership Centre
Finca Torreferrussa
Ctra. B-140, Sabadell a Santa Perpétua de Mogoda, km 4,5
08130 Santa Perpètua de Mogoda (Barcelona)
Phone: 935 747 039 – Fax: 935 743 853
Avui explorem vies per aplicar la Responsabilitat Social Corporativa al projecte @lifeclimark amb la Marta Pascual de Bureau Veritas.
They are intended for people and companies who want to voluntarily compensate the CO2 emissions generated by their activity.
The Catalan Water Agency (ACA) has tendered a contract to build four new control points of the Carme-Capellades aquifer.
These piezometers will be enabled in the municipal area of La Llacuna (Anoia), in one of the main recharge areas of this groundwater mass.