Author Archive for: ely_climark

Entrades per Elizabeth Fernández

Participació local a Vallcebre

El passat dia 26 de maig, tècnics del Centre de la Propietat forestal, l’Oficina Catalana del Canvi Climàtic i de l’Institut de Diagnòstic Ambiental i Estudis de l’Aigua (CSIC-IDAEA) van realitzar, a Vallcebre, una sessió informativa amb l’objectiu de donar a conèixer, a la propietat, el projecte Life+CLIMARK.

Informative session at the municipality of Vallcebre

On May, the 26th, forest professionals from the Forest Ownership Centre of Catalonia (CPF), representatives of the Catalan Office for Climate Change (OCCC) and researchers at the Water Research & Environmental Diagnosis Institute (CSIC-IDAEA) held an informative session at the municipality of Vallcebre (LU Capçaleres del Llobregat) with the aim to inform forest owners of […]

Informative session at the municipality of Vallcebre

On May, the 26th, forest professionals from the Forest Ownership Centre of Catalonia (CPF), representatives of the Catalan Office for Climate Change (OCCC) and researchers at the Water Research & Environmental Diagnosis Institute (CSIC-IDAEA) held an informative session at the municipality of Vallcebre (LU Capçaleres del Llobregat) with the aim to inform forest owners of […]