Archive for category: lifeclimark


LIFE Climark invited to participate in the European Commission webinar: “Climate neutral food and wood”

Life Climark in the magazine Catalunya Forestal, of the Consorci Forestal de Catalunya (CFC)

The Government promotes the sale of CO2 credits generated by social projects

They are intended for people and companies who want to voluntarily compensate the CO2 emissions generated by their activity.

Biomass boiler at UAB. Source: MónPlaneta

The Catalan Water Agency increases the control points of “the Carme-Capellades aquifer”

The Catalan Water Agency (ACA) has tendered a contract to build four new control points of the Carme-Capellades aquifer.

These piezometers will be enabled in the municipal area of La Llacuna (Anoia), in one of the main recharge areas of this groundwater mass.

Press release

Area where the wells will be located.


COP24 Summit: The role of forests in mitigating climate change

This Friday, December 14th, ends the Climate Change Conference COP24 in Katowice, and the Confederation of European Forest owners has used this opportunity to launch a Joint statement emphasizing the active role that forests and the forest sector should play in climate change mitigation and adaptation. From the LIFE CLIMARK project we give support to the idea that “a solution to counteract the negative tendencies posed by climate change is sustainable adaptive forest management which creates synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation needs”. Thus, “Sustainably managed forests will become more resilient against natural disturbances, such as storms and fires, have a higher productivity leading to higher carbon sequestration and in result providing more raw material to substitute carbon intensive material and energy.”

CEPF’s position in mitigating and adapting to climate change

Regarding this latter point, we also want to share the new report “From Science to policy núm.7” edited by EFI, on the substitution effects of wood-based products in climate change mitigation.

Effect of the substitution of wood products in mitigating climate change

Informative session at the municipality of Vallcebre

On May, the 26th, forest professionals from the Forest Ownership Centre of Catalonia (CPF), representatives of the Catalan Office for Climate Change (OCCC) and researchers at the Water Research & Environmental Diagnosis Institute (CSIC-IDAEA) held an informative session at the municipality of Vallcebre (LU Capçaleres del Llobregat) with the aim to inform forest owners of the region about the LIFE +CLIMARK project.

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Adding synergies and creating work spaces as a networking network

The LIFE FOREST CO2 partners continue to work to create common work spaces and establish synergies to develop the project together, such as the networking network. Read the article to learn more. Read more

First joint work session LIFE CLIMARK – LIFE FOREST CO2

On April 19th, Soria held the first joint work and networking session between the partners of the LIFE CLIMARK project and the LIFE FOREST CO2 project partners. Read more

Workshop “Profitability in the management of Mediterranean forest of private ownership

On March 8, the Forest Ownership Centre participated in the conference “Profitability in the management of Mediterranean forest of private ownership”, within the framework of the DARP PATT.

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Local participation in the Baronia de Rialb

On March 2, 2018, the CPF participated in an informational session in the municipality of the Baronia de Rialb, where the actions to be carried out in the territory within the framework of the LIFE CLIMARK project.

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