Promotion of forest management for climate change mitigation
through the design of a local climate credit market


Carbon fixation in forest tracts and in the soil


Optimisation of forests’ water consumption


Fire risk reduction


Biodiversity conservation

Selling entity, climate credit generator

What is achieved with multifunctional forest management?


    Carbon fixation in forest tracts and in the soil


    Optimisation of forests’ water consumption

  • FIRE

    Fire risk reduction


    Biodiversity conservation

They promote sustainable forest management projects capable of generating climate credits.

“The forest management that you apply offers a number of benefits in relation to the mitigation and adaptation of climate change that can be valued and compensated.”

Climate Credit Buying Entity

What do companies earn?

  • RSC

    Corporate social responsibility


    Reputation and recognition


    Economic contribution to improving the local environment

Climate Credit Buyers.

It focuses on CO2 emitting companies, but is open to any type of company.
This group also includes intermediaries who can advertise forest projects as a possible environmental investment proposal.


Corporate social responsibility


Reputation and recognition


Economic contribution to improving the local environment

Promotion of forest management for climate change mitigation

through the design of a local Climate Credit market


European forests play a crucial role in carbon balances, with an impact on climate change mitigation of around 13% of total EU emissions, mainly as a result of their sink capacity, carbon fixation in forests and wood products and replacement of fossil fuels.

However, in recent years, the first symptoms of saturation in the carbon sink capacity of European forests have been observed and this situation could worsen in the medium term. To reverse this, multifunctional forest management has become a key tool.

Project actions

Project objectives

Contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation by increasing sink capacity and the protection of carbon stocks in Mediterranean forests by promoting multifunctional management with the creation of a climate credit market.

Maintain and improve the mitigation capacity of Mediterranean Europe’s forests.

Raise awareness, train and provide tools to all stakeholders interested in compensating CO2 emissions through climate credits.

Design a local climate credit market as a tool for promoting multifunctional forest management.

Forestry treatments and areas of action

The project is performed in Catalonia, on a landscape unit scale (LU), in which the following combined adaptation/mitigation systems are applied to suit the characteristics of each LU:

• Management of forest tracts in post-fire regeneration phase (Quercus suber, Pinus halepensis, P. sylvestris, Q. faginea).

Forest management in mature forests (Q. suber, P. halepensis, P. sylvestris, P. nigra).

• Forest and agro-forest plantations.

• Management practices with an impact on soil carbon.

• Strategic management of forest fire prevention.

The project is replicated in the Veneto region (Italy).

1. UP El Montmell.

2. UP La Vall de Rialb.

3. UP Els Aspres.

4. UP Replans del Berguedà.

5. UP Capçaleres del Llobregat.

6. UP Serres d’Ancosa.

7. Regió del Vèneto.


Presentation of the CLIMARK project in Lleida

The Higher Technical School of Agricultural Engineering (ETSEA)…
6 de March de 2018/by Elizabeth Fernández

Local participation in the Baronia de Rialb

On March 2, 2018, the CPF participated in an informational…
6 de April de 2018/by Elizabeth Fernández

Workshop “Profitability in the management of Mediterranean forest of private ownership

On March 8, the Forest Ownership Centre participated in the…
20 de April de 2018/by Elizabeth Fernández

First joint work session LIFE CLIMARK – LIFE FOREST CO2

On April 19th, Soria held the first joint work and networking…
20 de April de 2018/by Elizabeth Fernández

Adding synergies and creating work spaces as a networking network

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27 de April de 2018/by Elizabeth Fernández

Informative session at the municipality of Vallcebre

On May, the 26th, forest professionals from the Forest Ownership…
17 de May de 2018/by Elizabeth Fernández

COP24 Summit: The role of forests in mitigating climate change

This Friday, December 14th, ends the Climate Change Conference…
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The Government promotes the sale of CO2 credits generated by social projects

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Life Climark in the magazine Catalunya Forestal, of the Consorci Forestal de Catalunya (CFC)

5 de May de 2020/by Elizabeth Fernández
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